Licio Gelli, Center For Study And Documentation
Thursday, March 17, 2011
How To Wax Viginer Properly
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Bang Bros Movie Series
INTRODUCTION 1) The description democratic means that are excluded from this plan any hidden motive or intention also to overthrow the system.
2) The plan is instead to revive the system through the stress of all the institutions that the Constitution provides for and discipline by the State Parties to the political parties, the press, unions, voters.
3) The plan consists of a summary statement of objectives in the development of procedures - even alternative - implementation and finally in listing of programs in the short, medium and long term.
4) should also be noted for clarity that the programs in the medium and long-term alterations to the Constitution require some - following the restoration of the free play of the fundamental institutions - which, without affecting the original plan balanced, enabling it to work to secure the nation and its citizens freedom and civil progress in an internationally and domestically is now very different from that of 1946.
1) the order shall state:
- a) democratic political parties, the PRI from the PSI, PSDI from the DC and the PLI (subject to check the National Right);
- b) the printing , excluding any publishing operation, which should be sought at the level of journalists through a selection that touches mainly : Corriere della Sera , Day , Newspaper, Print , Resto del Carlino, Messenger , time, Rome, Morning , Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Journal Sicily for newspapers, and, for the periods: European , Espresso , Panorama, Epoca , Today, People, Family Christian . The RAI-TV should not be overlooked;
- c) unions, and confederations, CISL and UIL, both independent, seeking a point of leverage to bring them back to their natural function even at the cost of a cleavage and subsequent formation of a free association of workers;
- d) government, which must be restored in the ministerial organization and quality of the men put in charge of individual departments;
- e) judiciary, which must be reduced to the role of ensuring the correct and faithful implementation of the laws;
- f) Parliament, whose efficiency is conditional on the success of ' operation on political parties, the press and trade unions.
2) political parties, trade unions print and are subject to possible stress on the level of economic and financial maneuvering.
The availability of numbers not exceeding 30 or 40 billion would be adequate to allow people of good faith and well selected to capture the key positions required for their control.
Government , Judiciary and Parliament rather represent goals Next, log in only after the success of the first operation, although the two phases are necessarily destined to suffer intersections and mutual interference, as discussed in detail in the processing procedures.
3) primary goal and essential condition operation is the establishment of a club (Rotary nature of the heterogeneity of the components) where they are represented to the best levels, operators, business and finance, representatives of professions, public officials and judges as well as very few and selected politicians, not exceeding the number of 30 or 40 units.
The men who belong to it must be uniform way of thinking, selflessness, honesty and moral rigor, such as to constitute a real political committee of Trustees who will take over the burden of implementing the plan and against friendly forces home and abroad who wish to support. Important and 'immediately establish a valid link with the International Masonry .
1) In respect of political need:
- a) select men - above all - which may be entrusted with the task of promoting the revitalization of each respective political party (For the PSI, for example, Mancini, Mariani and Craxi, for the PRI: Visentini and flag for PSDI: Orlandi and Amadei, for DC: Andreotti, Small, Forlani, and Gullotti Bisaglia; for PLI: Cotton and Quiller, the National Right (if applicable): Covelli)
- b) secondly to assess whether the current political formations can still have the necessary credibility to once again become effective instruments of external policy;
- c) If yes , chosen to entrust the securities sufficient - with the necessary controls - to allow them to gain dominance in their respective parties;
- d) in case of negative response use the same financial instruments for the immediate creation of two movements: one on the left (at the turn of PSI-PSDI-PRI-left liberals and left-DC), el ' other on the right (at the turn of DC conservatives, liberals and Democrats of National Right). These movements should be based on as many clubs promoters consist of politicians and representatives of civil society in proportion to each other from 1 to 3 where the first represent the link with the existing shares and the latter to link with the real world.
- All promoters must be impervious to moral rigor, ability, honesty and potentially available for agriculture policies pragmatic action, waiving the usual keys, and whips ideological. Otherwise, the rejection by the public opinion is considered inevitable.
2) In respect of press (or, rather, journalists) the use of tools Financial can not at this stage, be considered nominatim . It will be necessary to draw up a list of at least 2 or 3 items for each newspaper or magazine so that no one knows other. The action must be carried out like wildfire, or, rather, a chain of no more than 3 or 4 elements who know the environment.
- Journalists purchases will be entrusted with the task of "sympathy" for the political leaders as chosen above in both alternative hypotheses 1c and 1d.
In a second time it will take:
- a) acquire some weekly battle
- b) coordinate all provincial and local press through a centralized agency;
- c) coordination of many cable TV with the agency for the local press;
- d) dissovere RAI-TV in the name of freedom of the antenna art. 21 Apost.
3) As regards trade unions the first choice is between the stress at fracture, ie, following the existing lines of minority groups and majority of the ICFTU ILO, only to facilitate the merger with the self-employed in a loose confederation, or, without encroaching on the self, to acquire securities of equal amount with the most available of the existing federations in order to overthrow the balance of power within the current Trimurti.
- The real purpose to be achieved are:
- a) restoration of individual freedom in the factories and companies in general to allow the ' election of works councils with real guarantees of privacy of voting
- b) to restore this way the effective role of the review of employee phenomenon of production in place of the unlawful assumption of interlocutors when corporate and government policy decisions.
- In this respect, the way of splitting and subsequent integration with the self-employed also seems preferable to establish the incidence of positive public opinion striking a phenomenon as the creation of a true union shake the flag of freedom of labor and economic protection of workers. In terms of cost is to predict the use of financial instruments to lower entities other hypotheses.
4) Government, Judiciary and Parliament.
It 'obvious that these objectives against which the proceedings become alternative to varying degrees depending on the circumstances.
It 'still intuitive that, when the carrier favorable circumstances set out hereafter, the times are short - except for the Judiciary - being excluded from the processes employed in the development of those related parties, the press and trade unions , subject to a more rapid action against members of Parliament to which it is easy to extend the same modus operandi already provided for political parties.
for the judiciary is to be noted that already exists an internal force (the current independent judiciary of Asst Nat. May), bringing together more than 40% of Italian magistrates more moderate.
E 'sufficient to establish a connection on a moral level and planning and developing a concrete understanding to direct material aid to count on a valuable tool already operating within the body for the purpose of rapid legislative adjustments that bring back some justice to his traditional function of balancing element of society and not subversion.
other hand, if the circumstances would allow the government to count sull'ascesa of a politician (or teams) are already in tune with the spirit of the club and with his ideas of "democratic revival", it is clear that the time of the proceedings would receive a substantial acceleration for the chance to immediately implement the emergency program and the short-term so part of the implementation of procedures described above.
In time this would reduce the possibility of 6 months and even less time for action, where there is the assumption of the availability of financial resources.
For programs means the choice, on a scale of priorities of many steps to be taken in the form of:
- a) measures of political behavior and economic
- b) administrative documents (of government);
- c) legislation;
needed to overturn - together with those described in respect of prosecution - the current trend towards disintegration of the institutions and, with it, the Constitution of disottemperanza whose bodies no longer function according to the original formats. It is, in essence, to "register" - as in the tri-color print - the functions of each institution and each body on so that their boundaries are exactly demarcated and the disappearance of current areas of overlap which gives rise to confusion and weakening of the state.
As an example, consider two factors:
- 1) the shift of the centers of real power to Parliament by the Government to employers' unions and corporations with the related financial instruments of action. A good law would be sufficient to revitalize the CNEL on programming and a new structure of ministries accompanied by modern administrative rules to return to the natural holders the power now lost;
- 2) the decline suffered by the school in recent 10 years as a result of a correct policy of extending the area of \u200b\u200bpublic education, however, not accompanied by the provision of adequate teaching staff and preparations as well as the programming needs in terms of employment.
- It is therefore a strong and dangerous intellectual unemployment - but with serious deficiencies in technical fields - as well as the tendency to identify the degree to the right job. It follows from this state of affairs still pushing all'equalitarismo acquitted (against the Constitution he wants to protect the right to study more for the most deserving ) and, with the disappointment of not entering the refuge in apathy Drug ideology of subversion or even armed. The remedy is to: turn off the tap of the alleged automatism: degree = job, provide for facilities in good teachers, in planning, along with the economic phenomenon, including its human needs, and finally restore the merit principle imposed by the Constitution .
In many respects, the definition of programs and issues intersect notations already contained in the recent Message of the President of the Republic - undoubtedly impressive - which diagnosis of the situation in the country, taking, however, indicating that therapies to make further analysis .
Such programs may be made enforceable - if necessary - with emergency legislation (decree-laws).
a) Emergency and short-term . The program includes emergency, like the others, institutional arrangements (ie, directed to "register" institutions) and measures of socio-economic nature.
- a1) Sort judicial : Changes invest more urgent:
- - civil liability (fault) of judges;
- - the ban on naming Print judges, however, invested legal proceedings;
- - law 's career access (preliminary psychological aptitude tests);
- - changing the rules on right to bail in the presence of crimes of subversion - or attempts - as against the State and Costitueione, as well as violation of public order, armed robbery, the kidnapping and violence in general.
- a2) ordinance
- the - Law on the Council Presidency and the Ministries (Const. art. 95) to determine skills and number (reduced, eliminating or almost all the Secretaries of State);
- ii - Act programmazuone global (Costit. art. 41) focused on a Ministry of Economy that includes the current incentive structures (Cassa Mezz. - PP.SS. - Mediocredito - Industry - Agriculture), which revitalized the CNEL point meeting of the social forces unions, business and cultural procedures and meeting with the Parliament and the Regions;
- iii - administration reform (Costit. Articles 28-97 and 98) based on the theory of non-administrative public, on a clear separation of policy RESPONSIBILITY from administrative staff who becomes (establishment of the Secretaries General of Ministry) and the replacement of the principle of implied rejection with that of implied consent;
- iiii - definition of legal reservation the extent desired and requested specifically by the Establishment and identification of areas of secondary legislation (regulations) in the guise of regional ones that have to be necessarily limited to the disciplines of the frame.
- a3) Sort Parliament :
- the - de facto division of responsibilities between the two chambers (according to the political and economic role to CD SR);
- ii - change (already in progress) of the respective regulations to give force to the principle of value (Costit. art. 64) between majority-government on the one hand, and the opposition, on the other hand, instead of the current trend assemblearistica.
- iii - adoption of the principle of sessions time in the executive function of the government program.
b) socio-economic measures :
- b1) abolition of the legal validity of qualifications (for sflollare universities and to allow time to develop a serious school reform, implementing the precepts of Constitution);
- b2) adoption of a single national time of 7 hours and 30 'actual (from 8.30 to 17) subject to the shifts required for the plants to the rhythm of 24 hours, mandatory for all public and private activities;
- b3) elimination of midweek holidays and its bridges (except June 2 - Christmas - New Year and August) from riconcedere in a lump sum of 7 additional days of annual leave entitlement;
- b4) requirements to be implemented in every company and organ of state, the shift holidays - even a draw - in all times of the year, both for annualise the activities of the tourism industry, both to avoid the "summer syndrome" that blocks the production activities;
- b5) review of tax reform in the following directions:
- the - r evision rates for employees updating the depreciation rate of 1973-76;
- ii - nettizzazione origin of all wages and salaries of the PA (to avoid the enormous cost of that part of a turn);
- iii - tightening of rates on earned income and pensions;
- iiii - culling rates for donations and contributions to recognized scientific and cultural foundations in order to indirectly encourage pure research and its use of intellectuality;
- iV - easing of rates corporate funds for reserves, depreciation, and investment guarantees to encourage self-financing by rewarding the reinvestment of profits;
- IVI - reciprocity between the state and the reporting obligation to purchase mortgage values declared and identified;
- b6) abolition of the names & of shares to give breath to the stock market and encourage better self-financing of productive companies;
- b7) elimination matches around between SOEs and financial institutions in the public hands around each other's accounts that are fixed - interest in the game - in unnecessary liabilities of that State;
- b8) granting tax relief strong foreign capital to facilitate the return of capital from 'abroad;
- b9) to establish a national fund for social services (homes - hospitals - schools - transportation) to be fed by:
- the - VAT surtax on luxury goods (cars - luxury goods);
- ii - income from tightening ex b5) iii;
- iii - loans and foreign loans on spending programs;
- iiii - special budget allocations for investment ;
- iV - lower current expenditures for partial payment of state salaries above L. 7,000,000 per year with special treasury bonds at 9% for non-traded two years.
- This fund is intended to finance a two-year program of spending at least 10 trillion. The reforms of its structure should be postponed until after it has ensured the availability of buildings, it is ridiculous to reform management in the absence of valid instruments (remember the failure of health reform a few years ago that he resolved in the creation of 36,000 new jobs of the board of directors and the related party in a subdivision to create more places bed).
- Regarding the feasibility of building plan in the presence of the chaotic existing legislation, will need a law that requires extraordinary emergency programs to the regions with a very short time substitutable by the direct intervention of the State, particularly with regard to construction population, the use of ski binding system on the Swedish model and the French system of direct loans subsidized seems the best way to boost this sector which is considered the driving force for economic recovery;
- b10) to increase the profitability of savings Postal raising the rate to 7%;
- b11) grant incentives to priority sectors:
- the - tourist ;
- ii - shipping ;
- iii - agriculture-specialized (first fruits, livestock);
- iV - conventional and futuristic energy (nuclear - Geothermal - Solar)
- iV - industry chica end engineering and specialized processing;
- to encourage investment in sectors with high rates of labor and introduced currency;
- b12) suspend all licenses and related incentives for primary oil refining plants and heavy steel production.
c) ruling is that each asset in accordance with sub a) and b) are leading operator and a government determined to be not only authoritarian but authoritative and decided to enforce existing laws.
So it is clear that the police can be mobilized to clean up the country from the thugs and ordinary pseudo politicians and its central directives only to the condition that the judiciary and condemn them in prisons where quickly sending them serve their sentence without fomenting riots and new lead a comfortable life.
In this respect, it seems necessary that the forces of PS may be restored urgent interrogation of those arrested in the presence of criminal acts of subversion and attempted subversion of order and of violence and resistance to law enforcement, violation of the law on public order, of kidnapping, robbery and armed violence in general.
d) Another key point was the immediate establishment of a agency for the coordination of the local press (to be acquired by successive operations over time) and cable TV to set up a chain in order to control public opinion in the media I live in the country.
E 'should also acquire one or two periodicals, in opposition to Panorama, Espresso and European living on the formula of the "Weekly".
The precondition for the implementation of a program of short-term emergency as defined above, it remains to sketch briefly a medium and long term with the caveat while that with respect to institutional problems, you can even now make specific assumptions in the field of economic and social interventions, except for what concerns a few big issues, it is necessary to defer the listing of problems and remedies.
a) institutional measures
- a1) Sort judicial
- the - united ' the prosecution (under the Constitution - Articles 107 and 112 where the PM is distinct from judges);
- ii - Keeper responsibility to Parliament on the work of PM (constitutional amendment);
- iii - public education process in the dialectic between the prosecution and defense in the courts judges, with abolition each with its secret investigation and related hazards and eliminating the current two stages of education;
- iiii - reform of the Council of the Judiciary that must be responsible to the Parliament ( constitutional amendment);
- iV - reform of ' judiciary to restore the selection criteria for merit promotions of judges, to impose age limits for the functions of indictment, separate the career prosecutor and judge, sitting as a court to reduce the function pretorile;
- IVI - experiment election of judges (Article Costit.. 106) from lawyers with 25 years of office have special moral requirements;
- a2) ordinance
- the - to amend the Constitution to establish that the Prime Minister is elected by beginning of each term and can be reversed only through the election of his successor;
- ii - edit the Constitution to provide that Ministers lose as parliamentarians ;
- iii - Review of the Law on State accounts and that the state budget (to change the nature by competence in cash )
- iiii - revision of the law on local finance to determine - after debt consolidation current used up by local authorities in 50 years - which regions and municipalities may spend beyond the subsidies only the state proceeds from bond issues of purpose (tax-exempt and tax deductible) that is related to public works to be financed, according to the U.S. model. Otherwise the concept of autonomy becomes one of freedom of spending based on debt;
- iV - reform of the municipal and provincial law to suppress the provinces and redefine the duties of the municipality called the new rules on financial controls.
- a3) Sort Parliament
- the - new electoral laws for the Chamber of mixed type (single-member constituency and proportional according to the German model), reducing the number of deputies to 450, and for the Senate, representing the 2nd grade, regional, economic interests, social and cultural rights, reducing to 250 the number of senators from 5 to 25 and raising that of the presidential nomination of senators for life, with increased of categories relating to (former MPs - former judges - former public officials and business leaders - former military etc.).
- ii - amend the constitution to give room to political prominence (appointment of the Prime Minister) and the Senate economic preponderance (examination the budget);
- iii - to establish standards to perform in a same day every four years elections national, regional and municipal (constitutional amendment);
- iiii - to add the category of organic laws (As in France) allocated codes and standards for the organization of the executive, the civil service and judiciary and military, to be approved in Parliament and qualified majority
- iV - establish that the decree-law are inemendabili ;
- a4) Sorting of other institutional bodies
- the - Constitutional Court: Next establish the incompatibility of judges to positions elective or in public institutions, enshrining a ban on so-called judgments attittive (transforming the Court in the legislative body of fact);
- ii - President : reducing the 5-year mandate, the ineligibility sanction and eliminate half white (Amendment constitutional);
- iii - Regions: Amendment of the Constitution to reduce the number and determine the boundaries of geo-economic criteria rather than historians.
b) social economic measures
- b1) New legislation antiurbanesimo subordinating the right of residence to demonstrate that they have a job or enough income (to avoid that skip the finances of large municipalities);
- b2) new planning legislation favoring the satellite towns and transforming the urban science in science by building high-speed transport suburban
- b3) new legislation on the press in a protective sense of the dignity of the citizen (on the English model) and establishing the obligation to publish every year the budget and the salaries of journalists;
- b4) unification of all institutions and insurance institutions and welfare in a single social security institution be managed with insurance-type formulas in order to reduce the current costs;
- b5) disciplinary and ethical standards in the field of pensions setting:
- the - prohibition of payment of pensions before age 60 except in cases of disability recognized;
- ii - the strict control on disability pensions;
- iii - the elimination of the phenomenon of cumulation of pensions;
- b6) implementing Articles 39 and 40 of the Constitution regulating the lives of unions by limiting the right to strike in the sense of
- the - introduce ' notice after expeditiously to have the arrangement;
- ii - exclude essential public services (transport, customs, hospitals and clinics, taxes, government in general) that ensure the proper conduct;
- iii - limit the right to strike at random economic and still ensure the freedom to work;
- b7) new legislation on worker participation equity ownership of businesses and the co-management (German model)
- b8) new legislation on ' land (ecology, soil conservation, regulation of water, afforestation, human settlements);
- b9) anti-monopoly legislation (USA model);
- b10) new Banking legislation (French model);
- b11) reform school (selection based on merit - scholarships to the poor - State normal schools and technical schools on the French model);
- b12) hospital and health care reform on the German model.
c) Print - Abolish all providences directly facilitates the budget deficit to heal with the burden of the public treasury and abolish the monopoly of RAI-TV.
- Bank of Italy Governor
- General Manager It.
- IRI President (financial and staff)
- Dir Gen. "
- Chairman of ENI (financial and staff)
- Dir Gen."
- President Gen. Direction
- and Public Management PP.SS. (EGAM - EFIM - Cinema - Spa)
- President midday, Cashier.
- Dir Gen. "
- President IMI
- Dir Gen."
- Chairman of Mediobanca
- Dir Gen. "
- President Italcar
- Dir Gen."
- President Mediocredito
- Dir Gen. "
- President ICIPU
- Dir Gen."
- President INA
- Dir Gen. "
- INPS President
- Dir Gen. "
- President INAM
- Dir Gen."
- President INADEL
- Dir Gen. "
- First Pres Court of Cassation.
- Proc Gener. "
- Attorney Gener."
- Pres
CA - Proc Lieutenant General
- Pres Trib
- Proc Repub .
- Cons. Instructional.
- Milan Rome Torino
- Venice Florence Bologna
- Naples
- Bari
- Catanzaro
- Palermo
- Chairman of the Council of State
- President of the Court of Auditors
- Attorney General Court of Auditors
- Accountant General of the State
- Secretary General Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Secretary General Programming
- Chief of Police
- General Manager FF.SS
- General Manager PP.TT
- General Manager ANAS
- General Manager Treasury
- General Manager direct taxation
- Director General II. Indir.
Director General - Director General
energy sources - General Manager
industrial production - General Manager currencies
- General Managers Education
- Elementary Secondary grade 1
- top technical university
- professional
- military corps
- Cape
MS Defense - Army Chief
MS - MS Marina
Cape - Cape SM aeronautics
- Capt. CC Weapon.
- Head Guard SM Fin.
- Captain Geographic Regions subs.
Air Zone Commander - Captain Departm. Mil. Maritta.
- PS
Guard Captain - Captain Forest Guards
- Prison Warders
Captain - Captain Sid.
arrested M. Grazia Gelli in July 1982.