Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How Long Does Tapeworm Medicine Take

debates, exhibitions and theater to remember Borsellino

Published on July 22, 2008 , on newsstands today:

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In the monologue scene Nando Dalla Chiesa Salara the work of the Boys Locride
It concludes Friday with three initiatives on anti-mafia series of meetings devoted to legal paths. The package of Santoro
debates, exhibitions and theater to remember Borsellino

JESI - The "Streets of Legality" lead us to the words of Paolo Borsellino, in his address to the public in Sicily that on June 23, 1992 Exactly one month after the death of Giovanni Falcone and less than a month after his murder. The judge spoke of "the beauty of the fresh air of freedom which reject the stink of moral compromise. " To honor his memory on the anniversary of the attack in Via D'Amelio (July 19, 1992), the Department of Culture in collaboration with Matteo Secchi has sponsored a day of events, shows and popular thought. Not to forget. It's called "The Scent of legality" and closes the series of meetings devoted to legal paths. The event is scheduled for Friday in Piazza della Repubblica and the Palazzo della Signoria Salara. There will be Michele Santoro, as announced, to work problems. Lirio Abbate will also, for him problems of Commons. "In memory of Paolo Borsellino, but also all victims of the Mafia - explains Councillor Valentina Conti - we have articulated various times: an exhibition at the Salar de "Boys Locride" (18 hours), then the discussion entitled "Information as a tool to fight the Mafia" (at 18.15 to salar) the representation of the theatrical monologue written by Nando Dalla Chiesa "cop for love" (Square of the Republic, at 21) in memory of Emily Loy, who was killed while escorting Paolo Borsellino. At 21.45 will follow the meeting "Who's Afraid dies every day" with Joseph Ayala (public prosecutor, a friend of Giovanni Falcone and MP since 1992), Salvatore Borsellino (brother of the judge), Giuseppe Lumia (Chairman of the Board Parliamentary Anti-Mafia from 2000 to 2001) and Crocetta (anti-mafia mayor).

"For one day - adds Matteo Secchi - our city will become the moral capital of a war on Mafia violence and the oppression that still inspires awe. There is a form of organized crime everywhere. The Mafia is a phenomenon that comes from people, not only in Sicily and Campania, where it is historically known, but everywhere .... "
Talita Frezza,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Can I Use Albuterol With Benzonatate?

A book important

Printable version

E 'on sale from some day a book that we consider important. It's called

"The Return of the Prince" , is published by Chiarelettere and was written by Roberto Scarpinato with Saverio Lodato.

Roberto Scarpinato is deputy prosecutor of the Republic in Palermo and is one of the historical memories antimafia Palermo.

At this link a brief biography.

The book seems important because it illustrates so convincingly documented and how the problem is not this or that Italian Prime Minister, the "right" or "left" (which are gimmicks "coverage "), but a systemic evil that has cultural and moral roots very deep and very long standing.

Analysis Roberto is valuable because it illuminates scenarios where most of us simply ignore their existence.

We would like to suggest reading this book is not for him "advertising" , but because it can help us to see things from another point of view and higher, including the poor and sometimes wretched quarrels, in which each day we bog down the newspapers at the service of power are not the heart of the problem and only serve to keep us distracted.

For those who are concerned that other place in "right" or "left" everything in life, stressing that in our opinion this distinction is specious and unnecessary, we ensure that the book of Roberto is neither right nor left, because it deals with another.

To understand the cut of the analysis of Roberto Scarpinato and its depth, we suggest you listen to his speech at the presentation of a book by Marco Travaglio, in Rome, on January 10 this year. To do this, we need to go to this link there and click on the triangle to the left of the name of Roberto Scarpinato. E 'intervention of 41 minutes, but worth it to invest to listen. In it, among other things, Robert explains that there is an insuperable structural incompatibility between the Italian ruling class and a independent judiciary.

there in that intervention of Robert the key to understanding the undeniable justice of the war which goes on stage these days yet another battle.

Here below the "Introduction" book author.

At this link the index of the book.

At this link a press review on the book.

" Abstract

I spent the last twenty years in a place that admits no illusions: for good or bad life is here naked and reveals itself for what it is.

for a while 'you can try to ignore it, but sooner or later forces you to look at her face.

For many it's like watching the face of the Medusa: You're lucky if you heart is turning them to stone forever.

For others, losing their innocence and take another look at themselves and the world.

If, in the words of Pablo Neruda, "the important thing is not to be born but born again", this is a place where you have a good chance of dying or being reborn.

Here thinking is not a luxury but a necessity to ensure that what you have not understood in time leads him suddenly, as in a trap, capturing unarmed.

When many years ago I arrived in Palermo, I was struck Noting that John Falcone kept in his room on the teletext.

Sometimes, the appearance of a news apparently without any connection with his work as a judge, he was thoughtful. It was as if that event - the IPO of a new company, the appointment of a minister - went quickly decoded the secret in order to understand the figure and to calculate the possible chain reactions in the overall context of reality.

Understanding how and where the real power of the country was moving was tantamount to figure out where it was necessary to turn to move to avoid getting caught behind or put your feet up on a minefield.

This lesson in time became part of me and I was especially marked after the murder of Falcone and Paolo Borsellino.

Sometimes I think the first is dead because for once his extraordinary intelligence had been passed over by the pressure of events.

The second, forewarned by the Capaci massacre, but had thought the way to predict what awaited him: he saw death approaching day by day as the sacrificial victim of a vile country too immature to know and look inside their reality and thereby protect its children better, saving himself.

This is a serious place: for opposite reasons, are in fact victims and perpetrators convicted to take life seriously.

At times it seems to me that this country instead of becoming less and less seriously. That instead of telling for what it really is, continues to tell stories and fables mediocre ending to believe it and so lose their identity.

"We are our own demons," said Goethe. I think that this is true not only for individuals but also for the people.

In this book I tried to describe the demons of the country.

Those who bloodied his long history and those who are plundering its resources condemning him to a slow decline.

With them I had a long association.

Sometimes when someone asks me what kind of life I do, I usually respond that I attend murderers and accomplices to murder.

In fact, the time spent in prison to interrogate them, to listen to their conversations intercepted, to pick up the threads of so many crimes, has devoured so much of my life.

At first I was convinced of having to confront a kind of evil empire, with a world alien to cross from the right time and then return to the world of honest, ordinary people.

then slowly took the line to become blurred, almost to dissolve.

Chasing their tracks, more often than I happened to realize that the world communicates through thousands of murders revolving doors with living room with some unexpected and muffled power.

I had to acknowledge that they are not always popular faces grim and stigmata.

Indeed the worst of them had attended our own schools, could meet in the best environments in the church and sometimes you could see them beating their chest next to those who had already been sentenced to death.
Over time I realized that one of the killers is often the scene of the outside world where so many whitewashed tombs are put on stage.

For this reason, this is a book of stories "obscene", which in their interweaving of the land mafia, corruption and massacres may offer a clue to important pages of the past and to decipher the present and the future ... or perhaps the lack of country's future.

The decline of Italy, until recently exorcised as the curse of visionary Cassandre, it seems every day becoming more of a destiny waiting to be fulfilled.

It seemed to me so that the time had come to share some thoughts publicly, gained during the "journey" in the world of assassins, which lead me to hypothesize a possible contributory cause of the decline in national anomaly.

While crime in other European countries do not 'make history', applies only to bands less acculturated and integrated society, in Italy the national history, one with a capital S, is inextricably interwoven with the crime of significant sectors of its ruling class, so that in some hairpin is not essential as understanding the evolution of one without understanding the linkages with the second.

This powerful crime has declined at the unification of Italy now on three fronts: the systemic corruption, the mafia and massacres for political purposes.

The question therefore criminal in Italy is inseparable from that of the state and democracy.

During periods of positive economic trends, faults produced by the crime of the powerful are metabolized and absorbed. In

periods like the present, marked by a negative trend, the work of this crime rather results in a total overall costs so burdensome as to be bearable in the long run the country.

In the first chapter are drawn some general coordinates of the Italian crime of power.

In the second and third are outlined in the specific dynamics in the land of corruption and mafia.

I realize that the patient reader, long accustomed to feel reassuring, telling stories with happy endings of which are exclusive and absolute standards of evil protagonists and heroes solitary, sometimes you may feel the chill in front of the heart in these pages meanders like a terrible and unfinished family history that involves everyone.

But, as I said at the beginning, for too long now live in a place that does not admit, illusions and are not good at telling stories.

Roberto Scarpinato '

Saturday, July 19, 2008

My Bulldog Has Black Spots

PURSE: SCHIFANI, Russia and ALFANO commemorates him in via D'Amelio

AGI) - Palermo, 19 July - The President of the Senate, Renato Schifani, the defense minister, Ignazio La Russa, and Justice Minister, Angelino Alfano, the deposition of wreaths in Palermo in Via d'Amelio have paid tribute to Paolo Borsellino and his police escort Emanuela Loi, Agostino Catalano, Eddie Walter Cosina, Claudio Traina and Vincenzo Li Muli, killed by the Mafia 16 years ago. For

President Schifani the best way to remember Falcone and Borsellino killed mafia''and 'the answer that Sicily is giving in recent times. The rebellion against the employers 'protection racket, the laws of the State, Government and Parliament are about to approve, contributing even more' effectively in the fight against mafia organization.''

Schifani, pero ', stressed that''we must remember that the mafia is not' yet been won, and therefore we should not lower your guard and think that the political forces are aware of.''

Minister La Russa has instead stressed that''our presence in Palermo's not 'just a tribute, but also an act respect. Remember Borsellino and 'duty and serve to make us reflect and strengthen our love for freedom.''

For Alfano Keeper''and now 'a day of sorrow, but also of hope''and said that''fifty-seven days ago, when we commemorated Giovanni Falcone, the Government had adopted significant measures for the security forces and the fight against crime ', now that measures have been strengthened by Parliament and became law of the State. This - he concludes - and 'a beacon of hope and means that the state reacts.''

Biography [edit ]

Schifani, son of used [1] , he graduated in law with 110 honors. In 1979 , legal practitioner in the office of deputy Giuseppe La Loggia, was inserted by him in the company insurance brokerage Sicula Brokers, which included Enrico La Loggia , son of Joseph and political future of prominent Forza Italy, and some partners in the year 1990 were charged with Mafia association or collusion with the Mafia [2] [3] ; Schifani left the company in 1980 [4] , taking as a lawyer. founded in 1992, along with two members, including two Antonino Garofalo, indicted in 1997 to wear and extortion, the debt collection company GSM [3] , because of that activity was further defined in a bar of Justice Minister Filippo Mancuso the "Prince of debt" [1] .

Schifani already entered Christian Democratic Party, joined Forza Italy in February 1995 and, after a stint at a municipal councilor Palermo, was elected to the Senate the Italian general election of 1996 in the College of Palermo Alton - Corleone, representing the center-right coalition. In his first term was the leader of Forza Italy Commission for Constitutional Affairs and has been part of parliamentary commission for constitutional reforms , the so-called "bicameral."

Schifani Meanwhile in 1990, already active as a lawyer, Supreme Court of Cassation, established himself as a lawyer, planner, receiving numerous commissions in municipalities Sicilian [4] . In one of these was a consultant for the 'urban and plan of the town of Villabate , whose mayor was the grandson of Joseph Shuttle Nino Mandalà , capocosca town [5] and former member of the Sicilian Schifani Brokers, according to the repentant Francesco Campanella this assignment was given, via Enrico La Loggia, as part of a deal between the Mafia and politics to build a megastore [6] , project then aborted because of investigations [7] .

Re-elected in the elections of 2001 during the XIV Legislature Schifani was among the supporters of the stabilization of ' Article 41 bis, which made the final so-called' rigorous imprisonment, "expressly provided for crimes of mafia-type criminal association, institute so far purely provisional [8] [9] .

bears his name and that of Senator Antonio Maccanico ( the Olive Tree), the " award-Maccanico Schifani ," a law passed June 20, 2003, to suspend the ongoing trials of the "five the highest offices of state "the subject of numerous controversies suspended because of the fact EMS process for Prime Minister Berlusconi as long as they had remained in office. Later the law was declared unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court January 13, 2004 [10] .

Schifani in Italian general election of 2006 is re-elected senator for the third time, for Forza Italy, Sicily in the district and during the XV Legislature was a member of the Land and Environment Commission.

Stretta di mano con il Presidente della Repubblica Napolitano
shaking hands with President of the Republic Napolitano

As a parent of Force in Italy XIV and XV Legislature from 2001 to 2008 Schifani was the protagonist of the parliamentary debates of the Senate [11] .

At the 2008 elections was elected for the fourth time, still in Sicily, for the People of Freedom .

During the first session of the Legislature XVI, on April 29 2008 he was elected President of the Senate the first ballot, reporting 178 votes (162 the quorum required), 4 more than the coalition PDL, Northern League and MpA [12] .

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Thanks Paul! The scent of freedom

July 19, 1992, sixteen years ago.

Thanks Paul! For what you did, for what you have been, for what you are and always will be!

Thanks Agostino (Catalan), Emanuela (LoI), Vincenzo (Li Muli), Walter Eddie (Cusina) and Claudio (Train).

You will always be in our hearts and will always be our reason to go forward.

To remember Paul, I again present a fine Interview with Manfred, his son, who we reported at this link.

and signal that the video of Paul's encounter with the students of vocational colleges of State for Trade "Remondini" of Bassano del Grappa January 26, 1989.

It 's a long video (lasting 1.35), but it is very beautiful, incisive, instructive. Paul addresses all the key issues around the issue of legality.

With him is the professor. Enzo Guidotto, President of Veneto on the Mafia and Consultant to the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission. The video has

at this link. E 'can choose what format it and you can also download it to view it as it can, a piece at a time, and keep it.

Letter to Paul

Written by Emily Morris
Saturday, July 19, 2008 12 : 07
Hello Paul, I write

comfortably seated at my desk. For some, ' in Italy, ended the massacres, occurring events that have nothing to do with democracy, and indeed humiliate it in principle.

Judge de Magistris, your colleague has lost investigations "Poseidon," the Calabrian purifiers, and "Why not", an alleged, it says so, business committee centered in San Marino, Republic within our Republic.

Calabrian In a newspaper, this morning I read that the Public Prosecutor of Salerno is investigating serious crimes for up Mariano Lombardi, the former chief prosecutor in Catanzaro, Salvatore Murone, deputy prosecutor, and Adalgisa Rinardo, Chairman of the Review in the same city.

where the holder of the investigation is that they have rowed against de Magistris, now, for a technical matter, the delay in filing of the appeal against the decision to transfer and loss functions adopted by the CSM, may no longer represent the accused in criminal proceedings. Can not investigate, will not be a prosecutor. It will dislodge from Catanzaro, a town where the Catholic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro originates.

In "Why Not", involving politicians, businessmen and senior officials of the State. That state that gave you wanted to delete, unable to complete the work with Giovanni Falcone and co-workers had begun in the name of justice and truth. Of the Constitution. Which swore allegiance, not refuted, as Rocco Chinnici, Falcone, Ninni Cassara, Rosario Livatino, Nino Scopelliti and many others.

in your day, the P2 Masonic lodge had an ambitious reform plan. Even the recently confirmed its rector, the venerable Licio Gelli, who is not even under house arrest and whose stock has taken full dignity public Pistoia, edited by Linda Giuva, wife of Massimo D'Alema.

Funded by the U.S. and overseas sponsored by the brothers, the Grand Master - has a double vision of Michele Sindona, which says that "they committed suicide," and that of Roberto Calvi speaks with a certain reserve, as President Emeritus Francis Cossiga - chosen to defeat the communist bloc, he wanted to delegitimize the judiciary and, by the way, establish a new order.

in its place there is someone able, perhaps more spiritual, has everything to prove. Thus, it is proved that the Ministry of Justice is a good man, before today's Angel of Sicily, wanted to create a pax surrounding himself with trusted leaders from both sides. Despite a dossier of Radicals with the list of names, which are described in a recent scurrilous LIBRACCIO that clever Charles Vulpio, sued by the Mayor of Matera Nicola Buccico (investigated by de Magistris), odor in building. Searched, Vulpio, along with other journalists associated with the supposedly to defame free.

The call-back surveys "Why not" signed by the Regent of Catanzaro procuretore Dolcino Combs, was not legally justified, Paul, Anthony Ingroia your ward. And according to many legal experts.

Combs, counsel for the Attorney General of Catanzaro, was voted on a proposal for the appointment of Buccico in 2004. At that time, the horse, Buccico, then also in the parliamentary anti-Mafia commission, was a member of the CSM.

Mammamia, Paul, no longer understand, everything in this round of names, positions and actions.

Pantaleone Mancuso, who was arrested in the investigation on illegal business in Vibo Valentia, defended by Giancarlo Pittelli (Parliamentary Committee for Justice in the PDL) has been released.

Pittelli, meanwhile, was among the suspects in "Poseidon", recently closed its case by the investigating magistrate of Catanzaro Teresa Macri, who placed equal to the national secretary of the UDC Lorenzo Cesa, the general of the Guardia di Finanza Walter Cretella, Representative of the PDL Pino Galati, the former president of the Regional Council of Calabria Giuseppe Chiaravalloti, former private secretary to Foreign Minister Fabio Schettini.

Pierpaolo Bruni - the young pm that led to condemnation of the powerful Vrenna Crotone, president and owner of the football team disposal of rubbish in the area, and former Regional Councillor (Calabria) to the Forestry Dionisio Gallo - wants to leave, "Why not", which has a part.

As you know, Paul, the investigation, escaped de Magistris, has been divided and assigned to more judges. In a letter to the new Attorney General of Catanzaro, Bruni complained the delays and slowness of the pool called to continue the work of de Magistris. He says the Attorney General signed a decree on the searches of the President of the Calabrian regional government, Agazio Loiero, a month after his request.

seems that Brown wants to continue the investigation of Romano Prodi, despite the fact that you read in the press for his request to transfer the documents to Salerno. It appears that the user telephone found under the heading "Romano Prodi", under the heading of Tonino Saladin, a key point of the investigation and CDO in Calabria, has been used by the son of Prodi, who would have interest on the Porto Gioia Tauro. Pare. Pare. Pare. Pare.

In short, the losers was Luigi de Magistris, after inquiring about big stuff, is no longer a pm. Brown is about to leave the "Why Not". Tomorrow, in Palermo, we will also de Magistris, you remember. I can not be there. My savings will not allow me to travel, I have to be July 20 at Palagianello (Ta) for a conference on your inheritance. I know that Roberto Maroni, Minister of Interior, will attend the demonstration in Palermo.

I would very much like some reflection, some questions and answers come out from Palermo.

Dear Paul, you're still alive. More than before.

hug. Hello.

Rome, July 18, 2008

Your Emilian

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Stovetop Coffeemaker Dishwasher Tarnish

If they wanted to really do justice to work, would work

After approval (although currently only in the House) of the Act which provides impunity to the Prime Minister, the Government change the law "block-processes."

The changes are another confession that the Government and people - journalists, MPs, opinion makers - the shoulder was lying when he said that the "block-process" something that was not served to stop the process of Silvio Berlusconi.

is blocking one hundred thousand jobs just to stop one.

Now that that was stopped in another way, the "lock-processes" is made more logical.

Therefore, the penalty prescribed by law process is no longer blocked by the (absurd) than ten years, which served as the President of the Council, but one that allows you to "do after" trials for crimes already covered dall'indulto.

We have already explained the reasons for which it is clear that the government has lied to the Italians, in the post "So the government has lied ... and ugly."

publish below a statement of the Movement for Justice - Article 3, "which is a current National Association of Magistrates.



The changes announced yesterday the amendment that all call "blocking process" show that the criticism of the judiciary and the associated CSM, subject to accusations of arbitrariness and invasion of the field, were unfounded.

What's more, show that associated with the judiciary is forced to exercise its right to criticize and its proposal to safeguard the interest of citizens for justice that still has some hope of working.

fact the interests of citizens and those of judges converge in this: that justice can function effectively and in accordance with set rules and reasonable.

For citizens serves to ensure proper social life, for the judiciary is to preserve the independence sought by the Constitution.

They must be very clear two things:

- the extraordinary efficiency that Parliament is showing, in a few days and hours when adopting rules affecting justice, shows that if there was a real willingness to intervene to make effective jurisdiction this could be done quickly, if you do not, it is hypocritical to point out to the judiciary as responsible citizens dell'insopportabile malfunction of jurisdiction.

- we want judges that there is a chance to do so in a reasonable time and well, All processes, seek referrals and suspensions, however, is the wrong way and losing, which is why we continue to ask, unheeded, procedural simplification and rationalization of the rites, changing geography of judicial offices, allocation of necessary resources;

remains, always, really doubt if the political parties has an interest in the efficient functioning of the court.

confident that the facts can disprove the doubt.

Venice-Rome, 12/07/2008

Carlo Citterio
Secretary General of the Movement for Justice

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wedding Card Message With Signs


It 'been a while that I do not write new post, what a shame ....
The idea to do so was given to me by a recent news story.
A father has fought for 16 years for could carry out the will of his daughter for 16 years and is in a vegetative state, despite having expressed a desire not to want to make a non-life like that, only now (finally!) a judge rejected her request for unplug it.
As was expected, unfortunately, suffered the indignation and the desire to stop the sentence from the Catholic world. Even more serious, not only from the Vatican, but also by Catholic politicians (those who are supposed to be responsible for the preservation of democracy)!
Whenever "the company" takes a step forward toward true democracy, religions (because not only does the Catholic Church) are trying relentlessly to send everything putt .....

I keep dreaming of a world living atheist!

I take this opportunity to spread on this little space in my will if I was in a coma in a vegetative state, or in a coma but without being able to move more than a muscle and then my life was totally dependent on some machine: put!!
And when I die, I want to be cremated and, if possible, my ashes scattered on the Po (not because the League, but because fisherman), in contrast, can be spread anywhere. I do not want any mass is celebrated and, most importantly, I do not want neither a grave nor a stone in my memory.



On this subject (and on many others), I recommend reading of " WHY 'WE CAN NOT BE CHRISTIANS (least of all Catholics) " Piergiorgio Odifreddi, published by Longanesi.