Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Example Of Welcome Letter

Cuneo: Rotary Club on Tuesday, speaking of Gelli and the P2

Tuesday, February 17 to 20 at the invitation of the Rotary Club of Cuneo and Mondovi, Aldo A. Mola presents his latest work, 'Gelli and the P2 between news and history' (Bastogi, pp.580). The story of the Masonic Lodge No. 2 or Propaganda P2 etched deeply into the history of Italy and in the Cuneo area and involved the then Senator Adolfo Sarti, a leading Christian Democrat, Minister of Justice publication of the 'list' of 'piduisti'. Mola sheds light on the dramatic story based on documents. In premise distinguishes Freemasonry and Masonic organizations and different national Masonic organizations (Big East, the Grand Lodge of Vitelleschi Palace, Grand Lodge, whose stories are very different).

Aldo A. Mola (Cuneo, 1943), Gold Medal for Culture from 1980, is the author of the History of Italian Freemasonry from its origins to the present day (Bompiani, 1976, updated and reprinted several times) and History of the monarchy in Italy (Bompiani, 2002). After books and essays on the history of Action Party (with a preface by Ferruccio Parri, 1967 and 1969), the history of journalism and the Italian economy, among other works published 'Giolitti: the statesman of the New Italy' (Mondadori, 2003, in the Oscar in 2006) ; 'Pellico: Carbonaro, a Christian and a prophet of the new Europe' (Simon and Schuster, 2005); 'Giosue Carducci: writer, politician, freemason' (Simon and Schuster, 2006), 'Decline and fall of the monarchy in Italy. The Savoy Unit in the referendum of 2 June 1946 '(Mondadori, 2006, Oscar in 2008). Director of the Centre for the History of Freemasonry (since 1986) and the European Centre 'Giovanni Giolitti' for the study of the State (since 1998), working with 'Hiram' and editor of 'Officinae', co-editor of 'The Italian Parliament: 1861-1992' (Milan, New Cei, vols. 24) and collaborator of the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies (Naples), chairs the Scientific Committee the monthly 'History on the Net'.

Source - http://www.targatocn.it , February 16, 2009