Monday, December 7, 2009

Marriage Invitation Humourus Quotes

ECOPOST (nuclear)

Changing subject completely, I decided to talk about something that is close to my heart, making a demagogic speech, perhaps but certainly realistic.
in recent years has grown enormous demand for energy, which we are obliged to buy abroad, much of this energy comes from France, where it is widely known to the production by nuclear power plants.
We were a bit 'naive, perhaps prompted by a populist political and imprecise, and we decided in the 80' to stop our power plants, thereby increasing even further our energy deficit. Now at a distance of about twenty years, he wants to return to nuclear power, but it is not so simple for 2 reasons: 1 would be more expensive to reopen closed ones that build new ones, 2nd build and deploy new power plants, take many years and, considering how things work here, the years will surely be many more real than you expect.
I do not know how many of those who read have read the book "caste," I did, or rather tried because I've got got halfway, I was forced to stop I felt nervous for going ahead with the reading ! In this book are explained and told many interesting things about politicians and their friends and relatives of politicians, somehow they always manage to come out enriched by the money that our state so cheerfully bestowed, where controllers and controlled, to a more careful analysis, prove to be the same people.
This digression was to say that, given the way things have gone so far, when you have to decide which companies will be responsible for the construction of these plants, surely the choice will end up on the usual mega manufacturing companies, controlled by the usual suspects, going to fatten the pockets already abundantly full, the kind that if they are already filled in recent years.
To me, that am neither an economist nor an engineer, but simply a person who likes to use his head, came to mind one thing ....
Now we're in a time when the world economy to collapse and I believe that a greater diffusion of economic resources in the area, but with smaller numbers of widely distributed, would certainly be more useful and not particularly fair that a mountain of millions for a single company (but after the political and its supply chain where would the money?).
I explain my idea: the nuclear power plants use a particular type of uranium, non-renewable sources, without considering the dangers, difficulties and costs for disposal of waste processing. It seems obvious to me but not to those who bother to take such decision, but to turn to nuclear power, in the manner and timing necessary, that this is something that is born already old, not adapted to the times and the importance that ecology now plays in the lives of us all. Italy for its position geographical location, would it not be highly prepared for an appropriate use of solar energy?
Would not it be smarter to divert resources needed for the construction of nuclear power plants to install photovoltaic panels on the roofs of homes across Italy?
The advantages, according to my limited mind, many would be: clean, renewable energy (no danger of radioactive leaks and waste disposal), distribution of grants throughout the country, helping hundreds of craftsmen and small companies working in this field; Distribution of energy production on thousands of small units and not on a few mega-productions (if even a single stop unit would create major problems); savings on utility bills of all the families who decide to install the panels. Then, it will require installation on all new buildings and renovations.
This will implement an energy policy and certainly very farsighted time ecology.
What I write on my blog, will never be read by anyone important, but I hope that those who do, may serve to acendere bulb reasoning ... .... Gotta start somewhere
