# 1 YEAR: moratorium on abortion ... RIVA DEL GARDA
E 'for some time that do not add "reflections" on the blog: I was taken by some changes in the workplace, at parties and alas, the problems to my car and that of my partner (both routes the December 23 ... that ass!).
maybe I missed the cue just to "force me" to find time to write something, this idea has come from new ideas raving about the "moratorium on the abortion law."
This post obviously draws on the same line of my ideas about euthanasia, and the principles on which it is based, are the same.
Before our great politicians have had the ability and the consistency of prevail in the European Parliament with the "moratorium against the death penalty" so far no problem, well, not nice and maybe (just maybe because I'm not entirely convinced) no one should have the opportunity to condemn another man to death capital (although some definitely deserve it).
Now someone, do not know who started this story, if they jump out even with the moratorium on abortion against the law!
But what did those in the pumpkin?
possible that there is always someone who has to tell us how we should conduct our lives? but why do not you decide to think a little more to the fact that people have (and SHOULD sottineo) be free to decide their own existence? But are we really so
subjects of the Vatican?
Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit with the question marks ...
It all seems so unbelievable and almost surreal. Italy is reeling in the mud, there is very little economic growth, many retirees now viviono below the poverty line, crime is skyrocketing and there is no certainty of punishment; emergencies is one of the last day on all the news (see waste in Naples), people are completely dissatisfied with the policy, and they do they do?? They propose a moratorium on abortion against the law!
How sad.
seems to me that there is something else to think and, even if they do not, Why do such a thing? we want to go backwards instead of forward?
bigots all over the world smettela to break the bales to the next, practice what you think and do not pretend that the whole world think like you!
The "Holy Inquisition" was abolished, you want to reconstitute? C'mon, admit to thinking ...
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