specious arguments. false or unfounded. So the policy to intercept the attack. to gag the investigation, fail to cover the checks and illegal behavior. pm.Spesso Word of the protection of privacy is only the protection of their dirty laundry costs? The truth is that with tapping the state makes money or goes pari.Era in its program and Silvio Berlusconi reiterated in Santa Margherita Ligure to applause babbling of young people from Confindustria: interceptions henceforth be allowed only in mafia and terrorism investigations and five years' imprisonment for journalists who were the great counter-pubblicare.La Knight is progressing fast towards the Council of Ministers in which the Keeper Angelino Alfano, the lead in drawing legge.La majority, however, is not compatta.La League wants the plays remain for other crimes, from those of corruption and bribery. An nicchia.Su a point, however, in Parliament and the Quirinale almost everyone, I agree: is intercepted in Italy too, you spend too much and too violates the privacy of this cittadini.Per President Giorgio Napolitano calls for agreement Law shared a finding open doors even really exist in Italy Pd.Ma emergency wiretaps? "The Express" has discussed this with a technician, the deputy prosecutor of Turin Bruno Tinti, author of another bestselling Togas routes. The justice told by people who make it , 100 000 copies sold that well illustrate the causes for the malfunctioning of the courts in Italy., data in hand, he discovered that things are very different than duplicated in the classroom parlamentari.Per Tinti, in fact, this fight is nothing to wiretapping that the decision of the Italian ruling class politics and to escape the scrutiny legalità.Perché all the arguments used to justify it are unfounded or false ... But how? Alfano said that the minister is intercepted by us every year more than 100 000 people, is a huge number ... "Yes, but it is a fact not true. Because there is confusion among consumers and utenti.Un account is placed under control equipment, which may well be the 100-I, and an account is the number of intercettati.A Turin, for example, on average, put under, as they say jargon, ten utilities in person. "That is also controlled the family and friends? It seems to me serious ... "But no! The fact is that anyone who breaks the law knows that it can be intercettato.E then do not use your phone for official business criminali.Noi so let's go hunting equipment buono.Partiamo from what we know, often his audience down, and if we listen in two or three days we understand that it is not right, the spring and spend the altri.Così, Phone to phone, we come to find what esatto.Le first interception, those who inflate the statistics, last pochissimo.Nel case of drug dealers, then it is normal practice that each of them use more phone cards either simultaneously or in succession. "But the 'increase in wiretaps, there was: the utilities placed under control during 2003 were 78 000. Today there are 125 000 ... "Yes, but it is false that it is a growth abnorme.Anche In this case, as you would say that most of the country is caught, they say one thing to realize is vera.E not sufficient to observe the data: the curve of the phones in use increases year to year and is growing so also that of intercettazioni.Ma second curve rises less than the first. And indeed much lower. "For her short criticism coming from those who do not know the situation ..." Or pretend not to look conoscerla.Basta another curve, that of reati.Nel 2007 there were about three million, increase of 5.15 over the year precedente.Ebbene the curve of the offenses and the tapping of substantially the same, because if they increase the crime increase ascolti.Ma the same way, not to the extent Major. "So there is no abuse reported by the policy? Look, we open ourselves to Turin with us each year about 200 000 cases of the survey, 25 000 of which are against known suspects. Well, only 300 files are required interceptions. "Yes, but many have pointed out that you care little about the delinquency, and much of what concerns the ruling classes. Basically this is how a judge ends up on the newspapers ... "When I read certain things, I get angry davvero.Le explain exactly what happens here, the premise that our numbers are so-tially mirrored those nazionali.Ebbene, those 300 files where you use intercept, even against more people, così.Il are divided about 50 percent of the traffic droga.Il 15 percent or attempted murders and crimes against persona.Un then another 15 percent regard to organized crime. "And the rest? All interceptions of white collar? "Not at all. The 20 percent remaining half is represented by cases in the interests of so-called weak: I am speaking of sexual violence with hate pedofilia.Solo interceptions can find evidence that support the verification dibattimentali.Il drawing of a child who tells the violence enough to open an investigation, not to arrive at a condanna.I files relating to offenses against public administration against the economy are few and short, only a thirty on those 300. "But beyond utility, there is the issue of costs. Alfano said that interception goes away 33 percent of the cost of justice. "Another thing not vera.Nel 2007 the State has budgeted for justice than € 7 billion and a half and has spent 224 million for ascolti.Si is confusion between the total budget of the ministry and one of its voices, "court costs", which also cover the fees of experts and interpreters, allowances and fees to justices of the peace, legal aid, travel . And then it says that the intercepts with the State makes money in or out of. "How do we gain?" Think about what happens with that 10 percent of plays devoted to economic and financial crime. To find the so-called carousel VAT (VAT on the compensation fraud) and false invoices, unfortunately, are not enough checks Guard finanza.La accounting is in fact perfectly ordine.Senza interceptions How do we show that those bills, passed through a Hungarian company and then go to Dubai, are false, and how do we find the returns in black and seize the money? Milan my colleagues in the investigation of so-called bank takeover spent 8 million of the 64 suspects already euro.Ma to achieve a settlement, millions have paid 340.E of that money has been made by the State budget for construction new nursery. "But you can still reduce costs?" Yes, and it is already doing, even if you could do a lot more. "How?" A significant part of expenditure is due to the money that the state shall pay to the company Management hire linee.Ma telephone operators, I speak of Telecom, Wind, Vodafone and others, are companies that operate under license and earning many soldi.Allora someone wants to understand why the state does not enter into contracts a clause providing free care, or at least at very low prices, for the intercepts?. "In any case, only just over 20 percent of the money spent is attributable to the rental lines ..." Yes, and in fact there follia.Il another ministry hires all plants, bugs, tracking systems satellitare.C 'one wonders why not buy them. Or because the bugs, GPS and micro-cameras are not acquired by the Ministry of the Interior that the police should provide all the tools in the investigation. "They say that technological innovation is that it is impossible for the state to step Starla ... "Who cares! A complete system for the interception as the one we use in Turin costs roughly 2 million euro.Solo that we rent out and so do we spend millions a year quattro.Insomma 's such hardware will pay for itself in six mesi.E given the prices, once purchased, could very well change it every two years - something that does not happen today - continuing to risparmiare.Ma not enough, because with such a device we could be intercepted, for all proxies it is necessary to centralize Piemonte.Ma points of listening. "Meanwhile, however, the tapping investigations become dependent. It was dettoche the police can no longer do the stalking. "It seems logical: crime using satellite phones and computers, and we follow them to piedi.Anche hospitals now use the Tac and no one complains about the decline of the stethoscope. .. But how do you say such a thing? ". There remains the question of privacy, the personal stories that end up in the papers even if there are no crimes. "Look, if we analyze what happened in this country that we realize that privacy is a fake address, used by those in the ruling political class and just want to hide their malefatte.Pensi that, as an example of privacy violated, is often cited the publication of a text by Anna Falchi.Voglio say there's a lady who took off his pants on live television, which complains that a message was intercepted which he said "lots of kisses dear, I love you." Sure, you could easily avoid it published, but let's be serious, I do not think that this is the point. "And then what do you believe?" It's a question of cost and benefici.Se want to fight crime we have to accept the intrusion into the private sphere of a few cittadini.Per make an omelette, that is to stop a murderess or corrupt, you have to break eggs. "But the publication of private facts is not related investigations, is a problem ... "Yes, and you can solve. But the truth is that newspapers frequently is not an unwarranted invasion of privacy.Questa occurs only when you are released to private persons whom there is no history of interest pubblico.La horns of pork I do not usually ends on the other hand we read newspaper stampa.Sul facts about the ruling classes. "That sometimes is not a crime ... "Then we distinguish. We are made by criminal law that can be published once the suspect has had conoscenza.Per do not need to wait for the episode is relevant processo.Se public opinion can not wait ten years before sapere.Non Is it right that the public and investors are aware of reports required by the former governor of Bank of Italy with the protagonists of the bank takeover in 2005? I think so. "And those not covered by criminal law?" If a man fall within the public interest opinion pubblica.Quel deputy who went to prostitutes and cocaine pulled, probably did not commit reati.Ma since he was a supporter of the family and a prohibitionist I believe that his conduct may legitimately be known by the citizens; me.Se goes well I am a magistrate, I went every week to hunt on the estate of a mobster, not to commit a reato.Ma someone wants to argue that who writes it infringes on my privacy? But come on, the protection of privacy in reality this is only the protection of their clothes sporchi.Non satisfies a need etica.E 'demonstration in Parliament that there are those who do not want to know the garbage that has become the protagonist of "
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