Monday, September 20, 2010

Sample Letter Requesting For Price Reduction

GAVLE: Heritage Graphics Documentazione GAVLE

Gävle: Heritage Documentation Graphics


Gavle is a company specializing in graphic documentation of the heritage studying architectural and archaeological objects with great sensitivity and identifies the technical and the most appropriate method to achieve the best possible result.

Gavle uses the latest technologies in graphic documentation such as laser scanners medium and long range - for architecture -, Short-range laser scanners - for ornamental, archaeological finds, etc., which require a greater level of detail - and with cameras for photogrammetric software applications that vary depending on the geometric and radiometric that the element requires to be documented.

Gavle is a company based on technology and research and development centered on the following points:
- industrial systems for the acquisition geometry in architecture and archeology;
- system of inventory and cataloging 3D M
- 3D visualization and photo-realism;
- Reconstruction of the assets destroyed or disappeared;
- museums Virtual hyperrealists;
- etc.

Gävle and is a member of:
- ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), Working Group II, Commission V (Cultural Heritage Documentation);
- iGPU Investigation Group (Geomatics Engineering Heritage Urbano y) University of Extremadura (UEX), Spain;
- Department of Civil Engineering (Faculty of Engineering), University of Salerno.

attention and guarantee

The major projects we deal with require a high degree of architectural and archaeological knowledge that allows you to determine any disease or abnormality of the elements. The lack of knowledge of appropriate technical documentation el'errata can hide important information required, for example, structural analysis and restoration. For this we are aware of Gavle in the multidisciplinary nature of these types of projects and professional responsibility in the execution and clarity of exposition.

Gavle operates with the highest standards of accuracy and resolution geometry and radiometry. All the instruments are calibrated, the total station, the laser scanner, the rooms photographs. Gavle follows a protocol to guarantee the internal technique of proof in the geometry of the models obtained by using laser scanners or photogrammetric control points defined for bisection points in common with the aim of identifying strains or changes with respect to reality. Gavle also uses other methods to geometric and radiometric quality control to ensure the quality of its results.


architectural survey
3D models, ortho-photos, ortho-images, plans, sections, elevations

By monitoring 3D, 3D refund of the deposit and the findings, plants, sections

The project stems from a search result to bring the museums to the public through the Internet. This is to show works of art with greater realism and interactivity as possible. For this Gavle proposes a kind of hyper-realistic and interactive 3D model easily visualized by means of conventional formats. Everything is integrated into a website for this specialized service.

inventories and catalogs
3D Base 3D data, consulting, interactive 3D visualization and edition

3D reconstruction from from existing data, virtual restoration, digitization and reproduction of 3D


Laser Scanner medium and long range of short-range laser scanner

Topography and Photogrammetry GPS
Specialist photography


Consulting and Applied Research
Gavle helps companies in the world of the acquisition geometry, 3D visualization and management. Assists in implementing projects, solving problems through specific courses, etc..
Gavle carry out research projects and development with other companies and universities that are part of the international group of collaborators Gävle RESEARCH CENTER Documentation of Cultural Heritage (GRC-CHD).


Saverio D'Aurio

Emanuela De Feo

Web Gävle Italy

Web Gävle

Rapid Hiv Test Negative At 3 Months


Gävle: Cultural Heritage Documentation

The art of stopping time


GAVLE is a graphic heritage recording company , whose expert staff study architectural and archaeologic subjects with an utmost sensitivity in order to distinguish techniques, methods, and the optimum results of each studied subject. Our company has topographers, cartographers, architects, archaeologists and computer technicians specialized in recording, restoring, and preserving architectural and archaeological subjects.

GAVLE uses the latest graphic recording technologies such as medium/long-range laser scanner for architectural elements, short-range laser scanner for ornaments and small archaeological pieces, etc, which demand a higher standard of detail, and cameras and photogrammetric software for the different applications that the recorded element may require because of its geometric or radiometric conditions. Besides, GAVLE offers additional services such as non intrusive trial excavations for paved surfaces or structures which may need a report on their preservation conditions, and also physical-chemical techniques for the analysis and diagnose of the monument preservation conditions.



This kind of surveys demands a high level of architectural and archaeological knowledge that allows the detection of any pathology or anomaly on the elements. Ignoring it or a wrong recording could cause the omission of relevant information, necessary for its restoration or analysis. For this reason, in GAVLE, topographers and cartographers appointed for architectural-archaeological recording are highly qualified for these purposes, and above all, their work is constantly monitored by architects or archaeologists with a broad experience. We are, therefore, aware of the multidisciplinary relevance of this kind of projects, as well as of the professionalism in their carrying out and presentation.


GAVLE operates with the highest guarantees of geometric and radiometric accuracy and resolution. All our equipment is calibrated according to the manufacturer´s directions: Total stations, laser scanners, and photogrammetric cameras. Besides, GAVLE follows a technical guarantee protocol consisting of corroborating the geometry of models with laser scanner or photogrammetry by using control points through common points bisection and topographic compensations in order to detect any possible distortions or variations from reality, apart from many other quality controls.


The experience of GAVLE in the use of laser scanner and photogrammetry began in 2003 in a town in Switzerland which, eventually, provided the name for our company: Gävle. Subsequent researches and projects have paid off by turning this entity into a New Limited Company which has carried out practical applications and researches in close cooperation with the University of Extremadura, mainly. March, 2003, Gävle, Sweden..

From the very beginning, our company has published several articles in national and international conferences and we have taken active part in many teaching and researching activities. We are members of the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing – ISPRS.

GAVLE was also awarded the Extremadura Enterprisers Promotion Third Price within the course called “From Colleges To Companies” among other 400 projects, and we have also received grants from the Young Initiative Department for the development of our project: Hyperrealistic Virtual Museum.

At present, we have developed our own short-range laser scanner for archaeological purposes from videometric techniques.



The architectural surveys carried out by GAVLE are based on two essential points: Completion and Accuracy.

COMPLETION deals with the survey flexibility according to the requirements of each project, with a thorough study of the recording object , with a wide range of possibilities that the company offers and with quality and clarity in the presentation.

ACCURACY is our company policy: To do our work with the highest guarantee of precission and geometric and colour (or radiometric) resolution, setting quality guarantee methodologies, calibration of equipment, and highly qualified staff.

The main applications of an architectural survey could be summed up to:

  • Analysis of distortions. Collapse and risk analysis.
  • Basis for three-dimensional re-creations, reinstatements and restorations.
  • Accurate graphic recording of the actual conditions of buildings for future generations.


The activities dealing with archaeological surveys which GAVLE is able to carry out keep the same high standards of quality guarantee and knowledge ofthe recorded subject in order to adapt the survey to suit the current requirements.

These activities include the following:

  • Three-dymensional and high precission monitoring of archaeological surveys.
  • Superposition of surveys in order to set a comparative analysis of layers.
  • 3-D recording with phototexturing of the excavation pieces.
  • Three-Dymensional re-creation from shards. Complementation analysis.
  • Graphic recording of excavations with high geometric and radiometric accuracy for subsequent researches in case of reburial for urbanistic purposes.


GAVLE makes websites and heritage specialised designs meeting the particular needs of each monument, paying special attention to photography and to literal and graphic recording for its use in the creation of high quality specialised broadcasting elements and adapted to the customer´s needs.


GAVLE is a company which covers several research fields and which is able to blend the latest technologies in aid of the cultural heritage diffusion. Hence our capability to create interactive multimedia settings of the recorded monument for its broadcasting on the internet as well as on DVD for private sale.


This is the result of our latest research; a dynamic and easy way to display the archaeological pieces of a museum or the local monuments in an 3-D interactive environment.


We have a team of expert photographers, who use the ultimate proffesional digital photography technology. The distinctive feature of our experts is their new and dynamic view of monuments, as well as of archaeological pieces and surroundings.



We use different brands and models of laser scanner, according to the required technical features. Laser scanner provides a precision which may range between 3 and 6 mm, and which offers a photorrealistic device.

This kind of laser scanner is the most suitable for architectural surveys and atchitectural and archaeological monitoring. GAVLE processes al the laser scanner details filtering, triangulating, and phototexturing them with calibrated cameras.

This methodology main advantages are the precision and realism of shots which can be used for many applications.


This is a high precision instrument, ranging from tenths of mm to 50 microns, and it is the most suitable for the three- dymensional recording of small-medium sized objects such as coins, busts, vessels, sculptures, etc.

GAVLE succeeds in processing these data, phototexturing them and in carrying outany kind of virtual exhibitions, interactive displays on the internet, etc.

GAVLE, thanks to its Research Department, has managed to develop its own laser scanner with immediate

and high precision photorrealistic capabilities, minimizing prices and increasing the dynamism of 3-D photorrealistic recording of several meters diameter objets.


Photogrammetry allows ortorrectification and three-dymensional modelization starting from pictures taken with metric or semimetric cameras. This method is the most suitable for the surveying of areas without particular metric comlplexity. GAVLE also uses photogrammetry to fuse it with the laser scanner data, as it can be seen in the graphic below.

GAVLE uses the Canon 400D camera with 10.1 Megapixels, which has been previously calibrated in Shapequest Photogrammetry Laboratory in Arizona, U.S.A., and recalibrated in our own laboratories, and also cutting-edge software with automatical edges detection system for three-dymensional modelization.

With Digital Photogrammetry we can carry out 3-D models, individual photoghraphs rectification and surveys completion by merging different techniques depending on the recorded subject requirements.


As for topographical, architectural, and archaeological surveys, the most useful instruments available for location of elements, draft designing, surveying, and Coordinate systems in global georreferencing Are Levels, Total stations, and GPS.


GAVLE: Cultural Heritage Documentation. St. Cape Verde 15. 06800 Mérida (Badajoz).

Spain Phone: +34-924 985 080 mail:

Gavle Website

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Southpark Quotes About Aging