Monday, September 20, 2010

Sample Letter Requesting For Price Reduction

GAVLE: Heritage Graphics Documentazione GAVLE

Gävle: Heritage Documentation Graphics


Gavle is a company specializing in graphic documentation of the heritage studying architectural and archaeological objects with great sensitivity and identifies the technical and the most appropriate method to achieve the best possible result.

Gavle uses the latest technologies in graphic documentation such as laser scanners medium and long range - for architecture -, Short-range laser scanners - for ornamental, archaeological finds, etc., which require a greater level of detail - and with cameras for photogrammetric software applications that vary depending on the geometric and radiometric that the element requires to be documented.

Gavle is a company based on technology and research and development centered on the following points:
- industrial systems for the acquisition geometry in architecture and archeology;
- system of inventory and cataloging 3D M
- 3D visualization and photo-realism;
- Reconstruction of the assets destroyed or disappeared;
- museums Virtual hyperrealists;
- etc.

Gävle and is a member of:
- ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), Working Group II, Commission V (Cultural Heritage Documentation);
- iGPU Investigation Group (Geomatics Engineering Heritage Urbano y) University of Extremadura (UEX), Spain;
- Department of Civil Engineering (Faculty of Engineering), University of Salerno.

attention and guarantee

The major projects we deal with require a high degree of architectural and archaeological knowledge that allows you to determine any disease or abnormality of the elements. The lack of knowledge of appropriate technical documentation el'errata can hide important information required, for example, structural analysis and restoration. For this we are aware of Gavle in the multidisciplinary nature of these types of projects and professional responsibility in the execution and clarity of exposition.

Gavle operates with the highest standards of accuracy and resolution geometry and radiometry. All the instruments are calibrated, the total station, the laser scanner, the rooms photographs. Gavle follows a protocol to guarantee the internal technique of proof in the geometry of the models obtained by using laser scanners or photogrammetric control points defined for bisection points in common with the aim of identifying strains or changes with respect to reality. Gavle also uses other methods to geometric and radiometric quality control to ensure the quality of its results.


architectural survey
3D models, ortho-photos, ortho-images, plans, sections, elevations

By monitoring 3D, 3D refund of the deposit and the findings, plants, sections

The project stems from a search result to bring the museums to the public through the Internet. This is to show works of art with greater realism and interactivity as possible. For this Gavle proposes a kind of hyper-realistic and interactive 3D model easily visualized by means of conventional formats. Everything is integrated into a website for this specialized service.

inventories and catalogs
3D Base 3D data, consulting, interactive 3D visualization and edition

3D reconstruction from from existing data, virtual restoration, digitization and reproduction of 3D


Laser Scanner medium and long range of short-range laser scanner

Topography and Photogrammetry GPS
Specialist photography


Consulting and Applied Research
Gavle helps companies in the world of the acquisition geometry, 3D visualization and management. Assists in implementing projects, solving problems through specific courses, etc..
Gavle carry out research projects and development with other companies and universities that are part of the international group of collaborators Gävle RESEARCH CENTER Documentation of Cultural Heritage (GRC-CHD).


Saverio D'Aurio

Emanuela De Feo

Web Gävle Italy

Web Gävle


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