The digital copy of Lucerne
The ability to see people estimated at 0.2 mm, beyond this value could not tell if two elements are separated or together, that would be a continuum. Let such a generalization to conclude that if we create a digital copy of an object at 50 microns (0.05 mm) (object scanning) could determine that the object is "perfect" geometrically to the human eye as this, in normal circumstances, would not distinguish any errors. Do not want to lose the reader with many more figures, but so does the texture as the pixel would be well below the human capacity for discernment. Therefore a scanned object, fototexturizado conveniently (as a system of ortoproyección chord) can create and creates a digital copy of "perfect" the human eye.
Example of a copy of reality 3D Lucerne
What reality? Actually, in principle, it is not worth copying the objects created in string, they were also designed using CAD and frabric machines. What is really worth is to document the diversity, beauty and value of the unique, artisan, to the person himself (because we can make digital copies of the person), animals, sets of objects, archeology and architecture, etc.. This, to me, whether it is worthwhile documented. Could it be that would not pay money to see even one street in every detail of a Roman town with people that occupied by traditional activities in detail and realistically? this is, is not worth the time to stop a street scene in Roman times? What is the value of this?
can stop time with a photograph and also a video, but the interactivity of the real only gives the technique of 3D digital copy we ayudaddo to develop. Do you see the value of this like me?
But there are more reasons than mere historical documentation or philanthropic character, for example, and continues to be a variant of the first application, the character of the product teaching: teaching materials can offer as digital copies of the major monuments Romans and Arabs in the world. Digital copies of collections of pottery of the twelfth century church of all material times, monasteries, people in 3D., Etc. And all this can be viewed in Internet interactively.
What else?
online sale of all types of objects, a copy of diseased and healthy organs for research, physical replicas of objects, memories of family and animals, etc. I think it is so long and expanded so that I fall short.
is not future, present. I think this is the 3D digital copy.
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