Friday, January 28, 2011

What Does Lily Thai Do

Berlusconi download: "BERLUSCONI ITALY is unraveling"

FLORENCE - "At the time - Gelli says - if we had had four months of time again, we would be able to implement it ... At that time we had everything in hand: the Gladio, P2 e. .. another organization, which still has not appeared officially, not created by us but by someone who is still alive today, despite many years now. We had three organizations, still four months and we would certainly put into practice the plan. That plan not only would do it again, but I would also be able to implement it, if only I had twenty years of less. " This was stated in an interview with Time , Licio Gelli about the subversive plan of P2, called 'Plan of democratic rebirth'.
"What, is clear - he adds - it was valid then and would be valid even now. Of course, would be changes, but implementing the plan would not have arrived to the situation in Italy, he now lives. " Gelli adds a case "negative" on Silvio Berlusconi. When asked what has changed in their relationship, replied: "You failed to respect the principles that we thought he had. And remember that I had for seven years in the lodge, so I think I know. " "Even this puttanaio recent weeks - add Gelli -. Let me be clear, it is true that it can do what he likes and how much he wants, but we also have the ability to 'know how to do', then there is always a limit. Instead he continues. He defeated the first family, now is unraveling Italy. But nobody says anything. He has committed a crime? If this is true attributed to it (and I believe that is true at least in part), then yes he should not have to do it, or at least should have used more sensitive systems. "

I read, January 28, 2011


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